
Coriosolitae (Armorica) - Bil stater

Coriosolitae (Armorica) - Bil stater

Coriosolitae (Armorica, Saint-Brieuc and Dinan area).
Bil. stater of class III, circa 60-50 B.C.
Human head right, hair divided into three rolls and nose in epsilon form.
Androcephalous horse right, led by the remains of a charioteer. Above, stylized head with two scrolls descending in front of the horse. Below, a boar-sign.
6,34 g. LT 6614 ; Scheers, Lyon 915 ; Gruel-Morin, Musée de Bretagne 891 ; DT 2339. Large flan. Very fine


€ 850 ,- € 595 ,-